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Research Team Leader

A Collaborative & Diverse Group

The team members at Hydrogeology Laboratory are made up of experienced and dedicated researchers from a wide variety of disciplines and backgrounds. What unites them is an undying passion for learning and discovery. Meet them below.

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Dr. Shive Prakash Rai
Associate Professor

Research Adviser

As our experienced Research Adviser, Dr. S.P Rai is a fundamental part of what makes Hydrogeology Laboratory such a successful Research Lab. They are truly an invaluable member of our hardworking team.

Lab members

The Hydrogeology Laboratory is a research group dedicated to advancing the understanding of hydrology and related topics. Our team is composed of experienced professionals, who are passionate about their work and strive to find innovative solutions to the most pressing hydrological issues.

We specialize in hydrogeological research and are committed to providing the highest quality of research. Our laboratory is equipped with the latest technology and our experienced team of scientists are available to answer any questions and provide advice on any hydrological projects.

International visiting scholars

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